Consent - Waimeamea Bridge Cleaning

A summary of the intended purpose of the consent is covered below, however for the full consent requirements, please contact Mike Brazil on 027 453 3309.


Purpose – The repair and maintenance of Waimeamea Bridge and the associated discharge to air of contaminants 


  • If any oil or fuel contamination of watercourse contact Mike immediately for futher info
  • If artefacts of any sort are found work must stop immediately, and contact Mike for further info
  • The blasting area is contained to avoid or minimise, contaminants going into water
  • There is not any dangerous, offensive or objectionable contaminant plume or deposition effect beyond the immediate area of the blasting
  • Oil is prevented from entering the stream/river during the maintenance works
  • All maintenance equipment, machinery, plant, and debris are removed from the site on completion of the works
  • No washing of equipment in the stream/river
  • Any stream banks disturbed or eroded during the construction works are to be restored and resown [with pasture species] upon completion of the works
  • All reasonable precautions are taken to minimise the spread of pest plants and aquatic weeds by: Removing any vegetation caught on the machinery; Clear vegetation from the site before gravel is extracted, where necessary; Avoid working in areas where aquatic weeds are known
  • To avoid the spread of Didymo (didymosphenia geminate) or any other pest plant, do not use machinery in the berm or bed of the river that has been used in any area where the pest plant(s) are known to be present in the previous 20 working days, unless it has been thoroughly cleansed.