Invercargill inner-city asphalt resurfacing FAQs
On behalf of the NZ Transport Agency, Highways South will be resurfacing sections of Dee St, Tay St and Clyde St early in 2025.
What does the work involve?
Resurfacing (milling and paving) of:
SH1/Tay St Invercargill from Troopers roundabout to Mary St.
SH6/Dee St Invercargill from Troopers roundabout to Gala St.
SH1/Clyde St from Troopers roundabout to Bond St.
All work will be completed in stages – further details and image of extent of works are below.
When does the work start?
This work will be completed in multiple stages from 12th January to mid-March, though weather and other factors may delay or change timings.
What are the stages?
SH6 Dee St from Troopers roundabout to Spey St in both the north and southbound directions
SH1/Tay St from Troopers roundabout and up to just before the Conon Street intersection and back to Troopers roundabout (both east and westbound lanes)
SH6/Dee St from Spey St to just past Gala St (northbound lanes)
SH6/Dee St from Gala St to Spey St (southbound lanes)
SH1/Tay St from Conon St to Mary St (westbound lanes)
SH1/Tay St from Mary St to Ythan St (eastbound lanes)
SH1/Clyde St from Bond St to Tweed St (northbound lanes)
SH1/Clyde St from Tweed St to Bond St (southbound lanes)
SH1/Clyde St from Tweed St to Troopers roundabout (northbound lanes)
SH1/Clyde St from Troopers roundabout to Tweed St(southbound lanes)
SH1/Tweed St roundabout
Why does the work need to be done?
The current asphalt surface needs to be replaced as it is at the end of its life. Isolated pavement strengthening will occur. The new surface will provide the pavement with more strength and increased life.
What are the affects to road users?
The team will work evenings between 6pm and 6am to reduce the impact to as many businesses and road users as possible. The section they are working in will be closed to road users during this time and detours will be in place. During the day the roads will be open to road users, though there may be temporary speed limits in place when the surfacing is not yet complete.
Road users should expect to come across roadworks if travelling in the inner city at night, and should follow the signage and traffic management directions of staff.
Will this be day or night works?
Crews will be working during the night where possible. The milling phase will involve heavy machinery and will be noisy for a short time.
How long will this work take?
The duration of all stages is approx. 10 weeks. Poor weather will impact timings.
Why is this work happening at this time?
This work must happen in summer months for the work to bed-in effectively. The work was programmed to avoid the peak Christmas period and avoid working while the Burt Munro Challenge is taking place (5-8 February 2025).
*Dates are subject to change due to weather or other conditions outside our control.
Will there still be access for pedestrians while these works are taking place?
Pedestrians will still have access at all times. There may be restrictions to pedestrian crossings while each section of work is underway.
Can businesses still be accessed?
Yes. Businesses in these areas are open and accessible.
Who do I contact with questions or concerns?
Contact Highways South on 03 211 1561 or [email protected].
Scan the QR code to sign up for updates on each stage, confirmed dates, timing and traffic management.